Tuesday, April 15, 2008

pragmatism or relativism

So it has been nearly six weeks since my last blog – how things can change in that time. I am now officially a parent.

And change – well everything changes!

No longer is sleeping eight hours a possibility.

Going out is not about waiting for Rachel to get ready but waiting for the boy to have his feed.

I am fast becoming an expert in bottle feeding – how was I to know that there are different size teats you can buy.

In the first week I even made a trip to farmers to buy more newborn clothes – how can 0000 be newborn surely you start at 0 and then have .3 and .6 and .9 etc.

And you should have seen the look on the woman’s face when I asked for a tape measure to ascertain whether the distance between the crotch and the heel was at least 16cm!

But all are doing well and to date everything is progressing as it should. At this stage we think he has my nature – i.e. placid but that may well change everyone tells us.

In fact when it comes to kids it seems that everything may well change!

There is no rule of thumb and every piece of advice that is given is conditional and doesn’t apply to every kid – “it worked for mine but it may not work for yours”

As usual there are the dominant philosophies about parenting and they rule even to the detriment of the health of your child. It seems that it is better to be given what is considered to be the right information than be told about the alternatives even if your kid isn’t doing well with the dominant philosophy but that is the way of the world isn’t it.

You only get told what people wish to tell you. Partial truth presented as the only truth.

Take China and Tibet or Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) to name a few.

Truth is relative – or is it pragmatic? When it comes to kids I wonder whether pragmatism is maybe the best approach to take – who knows it worked for our kid but it might not work for yours!