Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pretty Useless

Yep, i am pretty useless at writing blogs on a consistent basis. Perhaps i could blame my busy lifestyle or the fact i have a toddler to worry about, but that just wouldn't be true would it? The reality is that i just forget to do it or when i do remember i can't be bothered.
Ah Apathy - such a great tool of the human race. It is allows me to remain unaffected to even the greatest tragedy or burning issue of the time.
Aldous Huxley says that "Most human beings have an infinite capacity for taking things for granted."
How very true is this statement?
it is not until we are threatened with the removal of something that we hold dear that we are moved to action. In a way it is not apathy that disturbs me but it is what it does take to move some people.
Some people don't blink an eyelid at the most horrific and unjust things that happen in our world but give them a parking ticket they don't think they should have got and they will move heaven and earth to fight their case.
You see perceived injustice has a horrible habit of exposing what is truly important to us and for some it is a sad reality that what is truly important to them is only their own self-preservation.
Adam Smith the father of capitalism did have some great economic ideas but his big mistake was assuming that all would work together for the common good - he didn't back on the power of greed to corrupt.
Well i'd better end here before i start espousing my agenda for modern-day economic policy but i promise i will try and be less apathetic about posting - yeah right!