Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Transcendent Worship

Of late I have been listening to David Quinlan, a Portuguese worship leader on youtube. A friend of mine put me on to him. All of the lyrics are in Portuguese and my attempts to find a translation haven’t been entirely fruitful shall we say.

One of his songs in particular appeals, ‘abraca me’ – meaning ‘embrace me’.

Despite not knowing what the rest of the song actually says there is no doubt that this man is using his gifts to worship God. It gives you one of those ‘shiver’ sensations – the knowledge that there is something about it.

To put it in ‘christianese, there is an anointing on it.

That got me thinking that true worship is really transcendent – no not spooky new-age transcendence but transcendent in that it crosses barriers, barriers of language, style etc.

I don’t know what David Quinlan is singing about per se but I do know that he is worshiping God and something about it draws me to worship him (God that is) as well.

I think it is testament to what Jesus meant when he talked about the church being more than just a local congregation – as one we all worship the same God despite all those human variables like style that seem to be what we get hung up on – funny that.

The touch of the holy spirit on a song has no regard for whether it fits what we like or should I say how we like to worship.

The verse about ‘worshipping him in spirit and in truth’ comes to mind – perhaps this is what it meant? Just a thought – but for now if you are interested have a look at the link.


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