Thursday, February 14, 2008

A very Exciting week

Well it has been an exciting week… George Lucas announced a new star wars movie due out in august this year all be it animated and the trailer for season four of Doctor Who found its way onto Youtube.

Yes that’s right I am a sci-fi geek but be careful before you start throwing stones. Good sci-fi is intelligent television. The name ‘science fiction’ itself should be an indication of what good sci-fi should be; a mix of science and what it could be. In a way it is a chance for writers to give a prophetic vision of what our future may be like.

The technology we now have would have been considered science fiction not much more than 75 years ago.

Our son will probably never buy a CD – considering what a recent technology they are, that is a remarkable thought. Not counting its recent renaissance the concept of music on a vinyl record will seem absurd to our kids.

I have often thought that a teleport device would be incredibly handy – forget taking five hours to Europe on the proposed lapcat jet with no windows – you could be there almost instantly with a teleport (a la star trek.. beam me up Scotty) of course I wouldn’t want to be volunteering fro the trial runs!

I am still waiting for the traffic problems that the Jetsons faced with their flying cars but think about it – as traffic congestion increases, we either go underground or into the sky.

Not many years ago someone would have thought you were living in a dream world if you had mentioned clones. How long before we have 3000 Temuera Morrison clones running around Auckland. How much of a jump is it from Dolly the sheep to a real live human?

I’ve always wanted a lightsaber, it has so many uses, apart from slicing people in half of course – you would never need a knife or a saw or any other cutting tool for that matter again.

But surely the best thing would be a time machine like the TARDIS - it is like the ultimate DVD Recorder, you can go back again and again and see the same thing happen and what is even better, is that it actually is Live every time!

But if you haven’t a clue what I am talking about perhaps it would be better if you stuck with real television, stuff that actually does happen, and is really indicative of life today – my suggestions – Home and Away and Shortland St.

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